REFERENCE 4 - June 2019
Location: photo studio, Chamoson, Valais, Switzerland. Model: C.G. Hairdresser: Piedad Avila San Juan. Material: curlers, modeling clay, chewing gum. Large format camera 4X5 inch, white background, artificial light.
REFERENCE 1 - October 2018
Location: QG, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Model: Arnaud Favre. Skin piercer: ØduL. Material: 18 stones, 300 m. rope, 6 suspension hooks, 3 tie-down straps. Large format camera 4X5 inch, artificial light.
REFERENCE 3 - May 2019
Location: Belle Usine, Fully, Valais, Switzerland. Model: Pascal Schneider. Material: 16 m. pine wood, roll of tape, black second skin. Large format camera 4X5 inch, artificial light.
REFERENCE 7 - July 2020
Location: Ardon, Valais, Switzerland. Model: Benoit Kummer. Material: ice block. Large format camera 4X5 inch.
REFERENCE 5 - September 2019
Location: photo studio, Chamoson, Valais, Switzerland. Models: Diana Brasil, Olivier Lovey. Photography assistant: Pascal Schneider. Material: bow, arrow, archery glows, black shoes, black trousers, black skirt, white shirts. Large format camera 4X5 inch, white background, artificial light.
REFERENCE 6 - September 2019
Location: Ferme-Asile, Sion, Valais, Switzerland. Model: Lionel Kummer. Wardrobe master: Piedad Avila San Juan. Photography assistants: Charlotte Geiser, Pascal Schneider. Material: wool blanket, hat, wooden walking stick with crook handle. Large format camera 4X5 inch, artificial light.